Turning on the feel-goods in February with Laughter Yoga
The summer holiday season is behind us and we’re heading into February. I’m setting out to make it feel-good February… Read More »Turning on the feel-goods in February with Laughter Yoga
All the people of the world need happiness.
The summer holiday season is behind us and we’re heading into February. I’m setting out to make it feel-good February… Read More »Turning on the feel-goods in February with Laughter Yoga
Certified laughter yoga teacher Heather Joy presents 5 ways laughter yoga can help you get through the Christmas season stresses even when you’re as busy as Santa writing lists and checking them twice!
New Australian research says regular group play activity makes for happier, healthier adults.
The Happydemic’s HeatherJoy shares 2 recent reads that support the pursuit of happier living, no matter what your age.
The Happydemic’s Heather Joy looks to laughter to unite as Australia celebrates Harmony Day, 21 March 2017.
The Happydemic’s Heather Joy explores the practice of Gross National Happiness Index with Bhutan’s Happiness Ambassador Bronwyn Roberts.
For National Volunteers Week, The Happydemic’s Heather Joy reflects on her reasons for volunteering and ponders an addiction to the ‘helper’s high’.