World Laughter Day spreads wellbeing and peace
If you’ve been meaning to give laughter yoga a go but haven’t quite gotten around to, the upcoming World Laughter… Read More »World Laughter Day spreads wellbeing and peace
If you’ve been meaning to give laughter yoga a go but haven’t quite gotten around to, the upcoming World Laughter… Read More »World Laughter Day spreads wellbeing and peace
What do you do when you’re ‘not in the mood’ for something? Avoid it or do it anyway? The Happydemic’s Heather Joy explains why laughter yoga is a brilliant case study for getting on with it.
The Happydemic’s Heather Joy asks author Janni Goss how to outsmart stress and seek healthy longevity.
Laughter yoga proves a gem of a practice for Queensland’s Central Highlands and Isaac regions, rolling out Wheel of Wellbeing.
The Happydemic’s Heather Joy says laughter yoga is a stress less at work practice deserving of being outed from (water) closet!
Laughter clubs are a great place to realise your New Year goal of being less stressed, happier, more positive and playful — and healthier too.
A Tweed Coast aged care provider has invested in laughter yoga leader training for staff, bringing more joy and lightness of mood to frail aged residential clients.
The Happydemic’s Heather Joy describes two laughter yoga exercises involving nonsensical utterances to combat unhelpful, negative, self-talk.
Swimming in nature is hugely beneficial for body and mind just as laughing as part of laughter yoga, rather than at something funny, is. The Happydemic’s Heather Joy shares her favourite wild swimming locations and water-safe tips.
Laughter is 1 of 6 ways recommended to use when you’ve had a tough/rough/bad/sad day and need an instant lift.