Laughter makes a difference in Australian aged care residential villages
A Tweed Coast aged care provider has invested in laughter yoga leader training for staff, bringing more joy and lightness of mood to frail aged residential clients.
A Tweed Coast aged care provider has invested in laughter yoga leader training for staff, bringing more joy and lightness of mood to frail aged residential clients.
Older Australians facing life and health challenges turn to laughter yoga for their physical, psychological and social wellbeing.
The Happydemic interviews Australian laughter yoga professional and academic Ros Ben -Moshe about her research and experiences delivering laughter wellness to residents of aged care facilities in Victoria.
Whether it’s a chortle, a chuckle, a coo, a gurgle or a full-belly laugh, laughter is part of a baby’s experimentation in making sounds and communicating. So how is it that we can get so caught up in the seriousness of life and forget something as natural as breathing, wonders certified laughter yoga leader and blogger, Heather Joy.