Laughter yoga online: more than a COVID ISO hobby
During COVID isolation, laughter yoga online proved its worth as an exercise, a destresser and a connector.
During COVID isolation, laughter yoga online proved its worth as an exercise, a destresser and a connector.
Join a laughter club any day of the week online, to build immunity, mental resilience and connection.
Not quite a month ago, Australia was plunged into a human biosecurity emergency in the fight to contain coronavirus (COVID19).… Read More »Laughter exercises to beat boredom at home
Science has revealed smiles to be more than friendly-looking but important for wellbeing, even supporting the immune system. Read how.
The Happydemic’s HeatherJoy shares how she recently dealt with the heart-wrenching question “in what was with this a gift?”
25 physical, psychological, social and financial reasons to love laughter yoga
There is absolutely nothing funny about family and domestic violence and yet earlier today I was standing before 350 professionals… Read More »Laughter as a selfcare practice for social workers
More Australian clinical research has confirmed laughter yoga as a viable, safe, low-intensity activity that can make dialysis treatment more positive.
Laughter yoga help a woman through post-natal depression; she’s shared her story in a book.
Aqua laughter, or HOHOH2O as The Happydemic’s HeatherJoy Campbell calls it, combines playful laughter exercises with movement in water for healthy active fun exercise.